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Upcoming changes in Candy Crush Saga: Sugar Track, Build-a-bot, and more



  • There are lots of players complaining about the issues we highlighted here, but I different discussions. We need to rope them all in on the vote.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @T_B well im a legend and i do not get any free stuff so think you should check what you saying is correct first, also the person that has done this poll is also a legend in a different type of way but @Bumper2019 can explain that to you. so why is it unfair if i enter a competition to win gold bars. If you also look and quite a few people championing for change are all level 5 and not far being legend them selves.this is a subject that has got a lot of people fed up with the changes.

    so correct your self yes but dont think its still unfair

  • F5, what a terrible change. My team is only logging in. We had a good thing going, with 4 win streak, averaging about 1500 per player during this time.

    What's next KING, doubling the daily win to 12. I would not put that past you.

    Excellent changes, only in alienating all your loyal players. What a shame, 4 plus year means noting to you. What happened to VOICE OF THE CUSTOMERS.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited April 2020

    @Freddy_Falkner Have you read even a word of what I wrote? If yes, how in the world did you manage to twist my words into a totally incomprehensible statement like this one? And why should @Bumper2019 explain anything to me? You wrote "If you also look and quite a few people championing for change are all level 5 and not far being legend them selves.this is a subject that has got a lot of people fed up with the changes"... I don't even understand what that means! What is it that had you all worked up against me, really? The fact that I have a different opinion from you or the fact that I corrected myself? Maybe both?

    Lastly, I don't give a flying fig if you are a Legend or not. And you do not have any right to tell me what I should be thinking or not. I own every single word I say, mister. Do you? Better step down from your high horse and start treating people here more politely. Now get off my back and go to achieve another 1000 posts in one day. It really doesn't take more than common sense for someone to see right through you.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @T_B yes i read your posts and agree with all of it and fairness, but don,t understand last statement you still think it seems a bit unfair. you correct yourself which is fair play and them say then still think it seems unfair. why is it unfair on a legend entering a contest when they don't get the freebies. and yes you own your words and i own mine, whether you think i am on a high horse or not just think your statement still thinking it's unfair is not fair

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I'm sorry @Freddy_Falkner but I'm done explaining myself to you. Your comment was patronizing and offensive, at least the part I managed to understand. I haven't given anyone in here the right to speak to me this way, whatsoever.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @T_B thats your choice and im happy enough with that and apologise if thats the way you think i came across but not my intention. just believe all have the right to enter these competitions, fairness for all.

    Any way have a good day and i do apologise if thats how i came across

  • FluffBall
    FluffBall Posts: 203

    Just reading the comments here again after a couple of days don't forget you would still have spell check but it would cost £4.99 ($6.14 you can get free currency conversion online) each time you wanted to use it and if you wanted to use it again on the same document £10.99. I don't have problem with new players enjoying the lower levels but it gets much more difficult as you progress and frustrating playing a level time & time again. I am stuck on level 3629 at the moment which must be MUCH easier than the highest levels so the poor souls at those levels really have my sympathy. I don't really expect it to be completely free but people who can't afford to pay should have a slight chance of progressing.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Too little, too late now. I really don't need gold bars or whatever - you can have them all. I managed to reach lvl 6712 without spending a single cent so far. And since I decided to leave this "wonderful" community (where most things are crooked yet they say sweet, just like King's games) to make space for people like you to post their gibberish most of the time just to level up, I'll leave exactly as I came - with my first post here about a month ago which I still stand for all the way.

    Bye, guys. Stay safe.

    "I have been playing Candy Crush Saga since 2015, currently on level 6574, so I'm quite familiar with the never ending changes that have been taking place all this time (always to "improve" gameplay and/or make the game more "challenging", of course) and your tactics to extort money out of players. You are a corporation, not a charity organization, and have to make a profit... I get that. But this time, with the latest changes, I think you took it too far. Not only you have stripped the game down from virtually every source of free power-ups but you chose to do so in a period of time where humanity faces one of the worst crisis in its recent history and the majority of the citizens across the world are forced to remain in quarantine. No matter how hard I try, I can't help but to think you did this on purpose. You saw it coming... You saw it as a chance to make more money. And I find that utterly disgraceful!

    Apart from everything else you have removed from the game these last few weeks, today I woke up to find out the BOT has gone missing as well - usually it reappeared every Monday half empty or half full, whichever you prefer! You took away the BOT too? Wow! And all this while you are announcing new "surprises" (well, enough "surprises" already if you ask me) which no one knows what they are exactly and when they are going to be implemented and the only new feature you have to present is a different layout which I don't have as well btw? Why didn't you implement at least one of these new features to the game while you were taking everything else away from it? And on what criteria have you based your decision to take away the BOT, the sugar track and pretty much everything from some players while others still have at least one of those features in their game? (Rhetorical questions - I'm not expecting a responsible reply from anyone in charge here).

    I'm going to hang on for a while, only because I have invested too much time in playing your game. If I don't see drastic changes that will make the game playable again soon enough, unfortunately, I'll have to delete the game and my King account altogether, which is probably what you want me to do anyway. I hope you are able to provide for those who wish to delete their accounts and wipe out all their personal info from your database".

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?