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Upcoming changes in Candy Crush Saga: Sugar Track, Build-a-bot, and more



  • sissyk
    sissyk Posts: 57

    Level 3

    @Crazy Cat Lad and all the managers and creators of this game! I want to express my deepest disappointment and frustration of the latest changes you announced with so much enthusiasm! I agree with all the comments above from the people of this community who have been playing this game for years like me. Your aim is not to add to the excitement of the game, but to grab our money and push us to buy boosters and gold bars! With the bot removed for older levels, it is impossible to pass a level as they have become extremely difficult. Without boosters nobody can win this nightmare levels! Limiting the sugar drops in January was bad enough, but now taking away the opportunity to win boosters on the bot makes the game frigging annoying and frustrating. Enough is enough for me. I'm quitting if the old feature isn't restored in a week. And I'm pledging again not to spend a penny on this game anymore. Too much greed and too many money grabbers at the studio!

  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277

    There are 13 players in my assigned group of 76 that have completed 10 or more levels this week. One player has completed 48. The play goes on. If players would participate in sending other players lives, I think they would have less anxiety about the changes.

  • IccleMe
    IccleMe Posts: 5

    Level 2

    edited March 2020's not extra lives we necessarily need it's boosters. Whilst I don't mind embracing the coronavirus free touchy feelyness of reaching out to my fellow players for free lives, it will just add to the repetitive uselessness and futility of attempting ridiculously hard levels over and over again. Where's the fun in that? Level 6556....well a lot of levels after 6000 are just daft without the aid of boosters. With the ability to replay older levels to utilise build a bot you still had to work to accumulate them, but at least there was potentially a glimmer of hope in progressing further. I can't believe that people actually must have sat round a table in a meeting and decided that this was a wonderful idea. What were they smoking? Like many people who have commented I am simply losing interest and it's only been a few days. Maybe that's their big plan who knows! Eventually I'll just vote with me feet though and amble off somewhere else.

  • Aine
    Aine Posts: 52

    Level 3

    Steve I have only recently been able to give lives after a long time..they would cancel out like crazy when I tried...I have caught up and given all lives requested...yet I very rarely get any in return...

  • mikefromwot
    mikefromwot Posts: 39

    Level 3

    Couldn't agree more! Stuck on 6242 with no bot left and pretty tired of playing it. Running out of any boosters I had left, so this could be it for me on this formerly fun game also.

  • Steve-18
    Steve-18 Posts: 277
    edited March 2020

    Aine, I understand. Same here. I play on Win10 and I suspect most in my group play on their mobile device or tablet. I don't think the life send/request feature is cross platform. I think only those also on Win10 get the lives I send. Making booster inventory and life send/requests work cross platform would be a nice update.

  • pinlock
    pinlock Posts: 64

    Level 3

    I’m currently on level 6482 and have been stuck on it for 2 days,it’s absolutely impossible to do without a good combo start or a million boosters,,Ive tried now 53 times and the nearest I have got is still needing 23 jellies..they make levels so hard then take away the sugar drops to earn boosters and the ability to go back and get the bot,,this is just crazy...Another problem is now that on the fantastic 5 game no one can get points,,on my fantastic 5 game at the moment we are on day 3 and out of the 5 of us we have got 275pts out of 5,000..usually by now I think we would have just about got the jackpot,,it’s obvious so hard now that no one can pass a level,,so we are doing out with getting boosters from that game aswell..why oh why make every level so hard that you need the bot to pass it yet you take it away from us and the ability to,get boosters to help pass,,,what are you KING trying to achieve here

  • exc
    exc Posts: 1

    Level 1

    edited March 2020

    (Edit by CM: Rude)

  • Bumper2019
    Bumper2019 Posts: 3,271

    Hi @samkat59 ...and as you are referring to Build a bot. Also please Vote HERE

  • Nix666
    Nix666 Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Again I write to complain about the same issues stated above. Surely you people can see what a mess you’ve made of things. I don’t enjoying playing Candy Crush at all anymore. It’s just tiresome and frustrating now having to do levels over and over with no boosters. One level can take 2 days to complete. It’s just not fun at all. You guys have now had over a week, to hear all the negative feedback regarding the changes. Yet there doesn’t seem to be any of the positive changes mentioned. Honestly, I don’t care what’s coming, the way things were, it was fun to play.

    I won’t be playing again until the booster bot and the sugar drops are reinstated to the way they worked before.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?