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Why did I lose all my gold bars?

xkaa Posts: 1 Newbie

I played Candy crush years ago from Facebook and I stopped.

This month I started from level 1 with my phone and made it to level 469 and more than 120 gold bars.

Today I had the brilliant idea to connect the game to Facebook and now I don't have my gold bars, I lost the progress in the races and everything. I think it's not fair, since I was the one that worked for it.

Need help!!


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 153,713 Candy Moderator

    Hi @xkaa . Welcome to our Community 🙎‍♀️

    Sorry to hear that you lost you Gold Bars !! This King Community does not deal with the Purchase issues as the query includes your personal details!

    You can find all info about refunds and broken purchases here.

    If you play on mobile, go to the game's Start Menu, then Settings - Help Center - Purchases & Gold Bars - Contact us and send them an email. When sending an email directly from the game, Player Support will automatically get your purchase history and all transactions the recent 90 days. 

    Don't forget to add your Game User ID to the email so Player Support will find your game.

    Hope this will help you

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,123 Community Manager

    Hi @xkaa and welcome to our Community!

    If you use a King or Facebook account in the game, the Gold Bars are then saved to that specific account.

    When switching account in the game, then the Gold Bars balance will also switch to the account that is connected.

    To get the Gold Bars transferred to your current Facebook, please email Player Support so they can help you out.

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