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Help with level 553

FAISAL6517701 Posts: 1 Newbie
edited April 2020 in Support

Hy guess please help me in level553


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend
  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,328 Candy Moderator

    Hello @FAISAL6517701 and welcome to our friendly King Community.

    I see that level 553 is an insanely hard level so you can expect to lose quite a few lives while trying to finish it. You have 19 moves to remove 36 jellies. On the harder levels I try and use boosters so if you have them I would use a CB, stripe/wrap and a fish. You need to get rid of the licorice as early as possible so it will open up the board so you can make special candies and also create cascades. Keep your eye out for combos and special candies. Watch the two conveyors and see if the next move might make a special candy. I just replayed it and also was able to create a CB two different times, I just had to watch and take advantage of the board.

    The special candies on the bottom can be good or bad but hopefully they will be more helpful than not. This is a very challenging level and sometimes you need that lucky board or a hammer or switch to finish in the amount of moves allowed.

    Here is a link to the level where the person only had 14 moves:

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