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Wonky Wheel

To Freddy-Falkner: Nothing in life is perfect. Neither is your English - there is something called a spell check that could help you out. Please don't sent me the same link over and over again that proves that there is no solution to the malfuntioning wheel even though it has been sent to the specialist lab where they must be laughing their heads off on the amount of time spent on this. I am sure you will get a promotion for your diligent work. Not!


  • Bennihanna
    Bennihanna Posts: 135

    To Sukanta-Biswas: You asked for a screenshot of the game map, which is what I gave you (like a hundred other players with the same problem) as seen on the relevant thread. There are also screenshots of the weel just charging - you really want another screen shot of that? I did not change the device's time and I did not receive your request for an ID.Although I have seen other players give all this information and they got no solution. I hit the Accepted button by mistake which is why I then sent you another mail asking for further help. I got nothing other than a link sent by a user - same link that everybody refers to and where it said the problem is being reviewed. Rather than justifying yourself, why not put yourself to some use and help, not only me, but all the others who have the same problem?.

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928

    Hi @Bennihanna

    Please let me know your game Id and I will pass it on to my team for testing.

    Your issue will be resolved within the next 48 hours.

    Let me know where I gave you a message.

    I need to close this post too. Sorry 😂

    Thank you.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    Promotion lol i don't work for them so that's were your wrong and if you had manners maybe people try to help you but attacking the developers,whats that for and a. game you claim to like playing

    @Spinnifix why hide behind a haha, man up put your point of view out there. this is the same person slaughtering your colleagues. think they will be impressed

  • Sukanta_Biswas
    Sukanta_Biswas Posts: 24,928

    Hi @Bennihanna I already received your report so please don't post like that.

    Hi @Freddy_Falkner What you have already done is truly admirable. You have to be continue ...

This discussion has been closed.

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