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Where's my gold bars??

Lakermidge Posts: 3 Newbie

I purchased an extra small package while in game play, which was supposed to included 20 gold bars, yet I did not get them I only got 2!!

I purchased the package that includes 1hr of each of the standard bonuses and the 20 gold, for the $2.79 price and this is NOT the first time I haven't got the entire package as last month this happened as well.

Please either reimburse me for the cost of the packages or credit me the gold bars.

Also the game keeps glitching on me.. Many times I my move is to make a striped candy and when I match then up it does not give the striped candy. I have had that happen about 5-6 times in the past week. It is very frustrating.

Please look into this.

Kindest regards,


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