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Build-a-Bot is gone for my!!

Where is my Build-a-Bot????? I play on level 6967 because without Build-a-Bot make be nearly impossible to pass!



  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome

    Please don't be afraid, it will come back. Sometimes it is a bit delayed until it reappears. Play a level and it will be back. Please keep your device up to date and clear the cache. That would help you.

    Good luck

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @Yorben_Goeree i have not had build a bot on win 10 app for about 4 weeks, but it has happened before and then reappeared. Just do not think your guaranteed to get all features all of the time. Although it does not help not having it on the later levels, not as good as before but still has its advantages

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,446

    @Spinnifix , I have not seen the new build-a-bot, but now I don't even get the Daily Win feature that gave me a set of boosters for winning at least one level on six different days. It was the only way to win a UFO booster. These changes are very undesirable. Do you know if the Daily Win feature is gone forever?

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429


    You mean when you come into play daily boost every day? This function is still there. When you go into your game, under gear - question mark you get to the help center. Everything is there. Events and challenges and functions. Please have a look

    Good Luck


  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,446
    edited May 2020

    @Spinnifix When I go into my "Power Ups" I have the following: Fast Race, Chocolate Box, Booster Wheel, Fantastic Five, Master Trophy, Candy Chronicles, and Treat Calendar. In the past, I also earned one pink spot each day I completed at least one new level, and after earning 6 of those pink "dots" I would get several new boosters, one of which was a UFO. That feature is no longer in my list of Power Ups.

    When I click and the gear icon and then the question mark as you suggested, I get taken to the "Welcome to the Help Center " screen. When I look under "Events and Challenges," I don't see any item resembling the 6-day feature I've had in the past.

    I am playing on an Android tablet which could make a difference. Any other suggestions?

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @MountainMom you are not guaranteed to get all features all of the time. also some features are part of different test groups. For some reason i lost my daily win feature this week as well, not sure why but hoping it will return. Seems this days features seem to be appearing and disappearing more frequently. i have not had build a bot for 4 weeks but many more have that still yet i had that consonantly before

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,446

    @Freddy_Falkner Thank you for your comments. I understand that features come and go, but the ones I like the best seem to go permanently. It is quite disappointing because I could really use extra boosters at the levels I am playing now. Thanks again.

  • Yueyue
    Yueyue Posts: 275

    Oh bother! It sometimes goes away for a day or so. Don't worry, it'll return not long afterwards, maybe in 30-60 hrs.

  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429



    This is good because I also play on an Android tablet. Unfortunately, I don't know what you said about the UFo and the event. Like @Freddy_Falkner said. Not all have the same events. So I can't help you. I think it has now been removed from your group. Unfortunately, this is the case with events. Sometimes they are not immediately visible because it is a time delay. Play a level and it's there. Maybe you have already noticed it.

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,446

    @Spinnifix Thanks for offering some consolation for my disappointment. I fear the Daily Wins feature has been permanently retired. Also, thanks for guiding me to the "Events and Challenges" section in the Help CCS.

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