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Level 6923,

tid Posts: 32

Level 3

I’ve been on this level for days now, as the bars that release the cherries etc don’t break on the first attempt as I’ve seen on video postings, therefore I assume I’m on the wrong version 1.176.0 on an iPad Air not had an update for weeks! Does anyone know when a new version is available.



  • stan1981
    stan1981 Posts: 3,459

    Usually new version released every 2 weeks ... for new lvls

  • tid
    tid Posts: 32

    Level 3

    Thank you, I’m obviously due one soon then as my updates go back to 11th May and Candy Crush is not amongst them

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @tid iphone version last update 2 weeks ago and just tried on iphone and level works fine. might be worth restarting your device and trying as sounds like your update was same date as mine.

  • tid
    tid Posts: 32

    Level 3

    Thank you Freddy, I’ve switched off my iPad and restarted it, checked for updates but nothing is showing for Candy crush, so I’m still on 1.176.0🙁... hope they monitor discussions and send a fix soon

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @tid will tag the superstars as quickest way to see if there is an issue @kiara_wael @Sukanta_Biswas

  • tid
    tid Posts: 32

    Level 3

    Thank you

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121

    Hi @tid @Freddy_Falkner !

    I checked the level and not able to find any errors with the level.

    Are you still stuck on the level?

  • tid
    tid Posts: 32

    Level 3

    Yes, I’ve been on it for a week now, the bars don’t break 1st time when hit by a striped candy, you need multiple hits in order to get the berries or nuts down. So you run out of goes before they are all out. I’m on version 1.176.0 on an iPad Air, haven’t had an update for a while now.

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121

    We cannot find this issue. The Licorice laces should break on the first hit, but please note that you will also need to clear the Candy Curls under them before the Hazelnuts and Cherries can come down.

  • tid
    tid Posts: 32

    Level 3

    Googling this level I’ve watched 2 different versions, with 28 moves the laces all break on the first hit, with 31 moves the laces need several hits to break, I seem to have 28 moves with laces that take more than one hit to break.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?