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I won 7 hrs of colorful candy and 7 hrs of the stripe candy at 23:23

RubyTeo Posts: 1 Newbie
edited May 2020 in Support

I won 7 hrs of colorful candy and 7 hrs of the stripe candy at 25 MAY 2019 23:23 .

When I log-in again after charging my phone 30 mins later. All the time-based boosters are lost.

I also had 6 lives last week. When I login using another phone it reset to 5 lives.

Pls help, my acct is

Game ID 1566300839

(EDITED by CM - Personal information) 


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend

    @RubyTeo there are no rewards that offer 7 hours , but if you mean Dexters challenge where if you win you get 6 hours of free colour bomb and stripped candy. Have you used date manipulation as if you did this is one of the things that will cause you free timed boosters to disappear.

    The extra lives is a test feature so you will not get this on every device

    should not put your email up as you may get unwanted emails

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