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Oh theese leeches ...

Baloo61 Posts: 9 Level 2
edited June 2020 in Discussions

I’m really mad about all the leeches playing Candy Crush, they ask for life but they never give one back !!

im being totally bombed by them asking for life, all the time !!

One named Ginter is the worst he has mailed me a couple of hundred times asking for life and never have he giving one back !!

if I ask and get one I always give back a couple at least, but when they notice that I give they stop giving and start asking with hundreds of mails wanting life . These people are the worst, like leeches !!

please stop terrorizing us normal players with your life requests !!

be nice and give back if you get !!


  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884 Sweet Legend

    Hi baloo 61 .

    Calm down buddy givers are always peaceful may be that chap doesnt know how to give yet.

    He will learn soon.

    Keep playing and stay safe.

  • Nenikapaki
    Nenikapaki Posts: 31,657 Level 5

    @Baloo61 . Hello there. We are on the same boat. I don't have a Facebook account and i rely to crushers in a group that i belonged too. Of all the 100 or so crushers only 1 or 2 gave back lives. Some ask and some don't. I think they don't want to be involved in anything. Anyways, Happy Crushing and Welcome to our King Community ..😃

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