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1 person constantly asking for lives

Nck Posts: 5,281

Hi guy's I don't usually complain but I can't stop this guy from asking for lives! Any way to block him or get him to stop in CCS? LOOK 12 times this is been going on!!! Any advice would be appreciated tx's

Best Answers



  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    Hi and welcome to the community @Nck

    Check ur fb account friends list and remove him from there. No other way i think.

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,783
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Nck . Welcome to our Community

    If this guys Friends in your Facebook you can deleted as a friends

    Good luck

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,927

    Hello @Nck - if this person isn't a FB friend (I have ended up with random people who are not FB friends) - there isn't much you can do - but in this case you can just check the accept all button - he will get a life but it will remove all 12 requests and he will only get the one, not 12 lives.

  • Nck
    Nck Posts: 5,281

    @kiara_wael @aijaziqbal tx's guy's but my Facebook not thru here. I don't know this person and I'm been teamed up with him for like 2 months I gave him lives just to leave me alone but my god!!!! Come on!!!🙄🤔

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @Nck Best to not give him lives and hope he gives up. Shame that some people are like this you give an inch they take a mile.Ridiculous i used to give people lives all the time now i do not i just ignore the mail box, which in itself is sad

  • Nck
    Nck Posts: 5,281

    @bearwithme yea I have y I think he keeps asking tx's for the help it's my cross to bearwit!!! Lol I made a joke get it 😉 seriously it's annoying tx's again have a awesome day!!!👍✌😎

  • Nck
    Nck Posts: 5,281

    @Freddy_Falkner yea I have been ignoring it but I must have OCD because it bothers me lol tx's have a great day!!!👍

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    @Nck . I would like to post this idea to have an option to block unwanted persons in the game.

  • Nck
    Nck Posts: 5,281

    @aijaziqbal that would be a awesome idea!!!!! If you don't mind great!!!! 👍

  • pmbpro
    pmbpro Posts: 18

    Level 2

    I have the same issue but with a different person. I do not know them.

    The crazy kicker about this and I couldn’t help but notice, is that they’d be so many levels ahead of me and everyone else, literally in *First Place* and begging. One week, I had to laugh because they were at over 200 levels in less than a day (!) after the weekly reset (how they got there so fast while everyone else was still in single digits...), yet they’re still begging and spamming me for lives? LOL!

    I never ask for lives, as the fun challenge for me is to play on my own without asking.

    I’m not nor never have played on Facebook either (I don’t play games on there and I have had the app settings turned *off* for years). I play on my own on my iPad. This person has never been on my ‘team’ either. How are people finding random players like myself? Why would that be allowed while we also cannot block people or at least delete requests? It’s not about just ignoring requests (there are enough notifications on the screen without having to see stuff you don’t need to see unless you want to). It’s just a questionable setup.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?