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  • pearl_chetna
    pearl_chetna Posts: 2,426

    Hey @Sweetice It's very heartful for you.

    By the way thanks for tagging other member of community 😊😊

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,885

    Thanks for your tagging me! @pearl_chetna 😊

    Opps! I don't have pet but I feed Rock Pigeons outside my house. 😁

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    I have had many pets throughout my life. I have loved them all, they are all unconditional love. Since I was little I adopted any bug that I found 🀣🀣 In my childhood it was not like now, there were no animal protectors or anything like that. Stray cats and dogs were everywhere. Once back from school I found a badly injured hedgehog, I took him home, my mother had an attack hahahaha almost kicked me out of the house. I have never bought any of my pets, I do not agree with the purchase / sale of living things. I have always adopted them. I even took care of my neighbors' pets during the holidays.

  • pearl_chetna
    pearl_chetna Posts: 2,426

    Thanks for comment @Lim

    It's really nice

  • pearl_chetna
    pearl_chetna Posts: 2,426

    Wow @hechicerilla

    there are very few people like you who take care of animals. It's really good 😊😊

  • Sweetice
    Sweetice Posts: 2,464
    edited June 2020

    Good ones guys!!

  • pearl_chetna
    pearl_chetna Posts: 2,426


  • Nat09
    Nat09 Posts: 12,561

    Hi @pearl_chetna, everyone who knows me knows my love for my pet bunny Leo. I suffer from severe chronic pain and I can’t work, it gets pretty boring some days and a bit depressing, so, I got Leo to help keep me company during the day and I can tell him anything. He’s the sweetest little bunny ever, he let’s me pick him up and cuddle ( usually bunnies don’t like to be picked up) and don’t get me started on those bunny kisses 😚 I also have another bunny ( it’s my son’s) his name is Stormy, he is full of attitude, he will stump at you if he does like you 🀣🀣

    His name is Leo because he’s a Lionhead rabbit, they are dwarf bunnies, he won’t get bigger than this. 😊🐰

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