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Level 3218 Impossible

Kathy_Arrow_Hahn Posts: 24

Level 3

Is there something wrong with this level? Fourteen moves is all I have. I have no boosters as I've used them on this level to no avail. No matter what I do, read tips, watch videos nothing seems to help other than using my lives up. I am lucky to get a key before it is immediately covered up. The furthest I have ever managed is three keys and then I'm out of moves. Why so hard, sure it's a hard level but it shouldn't use up more than 100 lives to get the job done. Simply frustrated and about to give up the game like I did several years ago over the same situation. How can it be called relaxing when you can't ever progress in the game? I see that there used to be 24 moves on this level which seems more reasonable in the attempt. 14 moves is ridiculous.

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