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  • Bennihanna
    Bennihanna Posts: 135 Level 2

    Thank you! That's very helpful for a Candy Crush addict like me...

  • Bennihanna
    Bennihanna Posts: 135 Level 2

    Since you seem to know a lot can you help me with one more thing? How does the Dexter Space Race work? Are the players at the same level, same country, or any kind of similarity? It's hard to know. I'm on Popsicle Planet so I think there is only one winner. Is that correct? In the beginning I am number one for a long time, then number two and then (like this week) somebody gets a zillion points and I am number two the whole weekend. As soon as I start winning again, the player jumps back in to make more points. Not sure if this is very clear... In other words, is it a level playing field?

  • sameeksha
    sameeksha Posts: 4,422 Level 5

    hi there!

    Once a competition has ended, the result is given, and the next competition will start in a few days.

    The planets are as follows:

    Gummy Planet

    Starting planet. You are required to collect green candies.

    There are 50 players in each group. The first 15 players can get rewards and advance, with the first 3 places having better rewards.

    Choco Planet

    You are required to collect red candies. As such, levels with less than 5 colours cannot fulfill the requirement.

    There are 30 players in each group. The first 15 players can get rewards and advance, with the first 3 places having better rewards. The last 5 players will be sent backwards.

    Pudding Planet

    You are required to collect striped candies.

    • Striped candies from colour bomb + striped candy combos or sugar crush are not counted.

    There are 30 players in each group. The first 10 players can get rewards and advance, with the first 3 places having better rewards. The last 10 players will be sent backwards.

    Salty Planet

    You are required to collect wrapped candies (not counting those from colour bomb + wrapped candy combos).

    There are 30 players in each group. The first 5 players can get rewards and advance, with the first 3 places having better rewards. The last 10 players will be sent backwards.

    Popsicle Planet

    You are required to collect colour bombs.

    • It seems that colour bombs from opening popcorn are counted.

    There are 10 players in each group. Only the first place can win rewards. The 10th player will be sent backwards.

    HERE you can see the changes that took place in the Dexter space race!

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  • Bennihanna
    Bennihanna Posts: 135 Level 2
  • Pitty_Kitty
    Pitty_Kitty Posts: 13,008 Soda Moderator
    Answer ✓

    I think for very stage/planet there's a group of players and then the next week some are randomly placed together in a space race session. Maybe the country could be a factor but in my space race I usually find some "Jocador(a)" "Oyuncu" which are the standard names for "Player" in a different language from mine. I think there are a lot of popsicle planet winners, as many as space race sessions are that are running at the same time in a weekend. As for the last thing, it can happen. If the players know about the right levels that make a lot of color bombs, they can easily climb the ranking anytime by replaying them. Or playing new levels, if they have a long map still

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