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sherrilynnb Posts: 7 Level 2

I know this may be a dumb question, but, how do I update my game? I've lost all my lives and I'm not getting any new ones. They tell me to make sure my game is updated (on my computer) to ensure I have the latest version (1.182).. How do I do this?? Thank you.

Best Answer

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477 Crushing Legend
    Answer ✓

    @sherrilynnb Hi this is a duplicate question you have already asked. if you playing on a computer the facebook version, all you do is make sure your windows is up to date and your internet browser also you check this windows settings. If its the windows 10 app you need to go to the Microsoft store and check for update for your game there.

    Hope this helps


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