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Levels with Swedish Fish vs Coconut Wheel

In the last 180 levels (7776 - 7955) Swedish Fish (SF) levels amounted to 41% and Coconut Wheel (CW) only 9%. This is very disproportionate. CW is very useful, since it targets 3 Rows or Columns at minimum. The Striped and Wrapped Candy makes it even more powerful.

I, like probably quite a large number of players that have been at it for years, have so many CW Boosters, just waiting to be used. With so few levels allowing it, it becomes worthless when winning one in any spin or being gifted one.

When spinning the Booster Wheel, I keep my fingers crossed for it not to land on the CW. It is also very strategically placed next to the "Jackpot", so inevitably if you miss the "Jackpot", it will either land on the CW or the Colour Bomb.

Why can it not be allowed to select Boosters multiple times in one level.

Another option would be to make CW available as an In-game Booster, where it can be selected multiple times, increasing your chances of winning a level.



  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,121

    Hi @Albert_Heinrich !

    The type of pre-game Boosters a level has depends on the level design.

    Meaning, the selection of pre-game Boosters are adjusted to the level so it will be the Color Bomb and 1-2 more Boosters that can give you the maximum and best help as possible.

    The Swedish Fish and Striped & Wrapped Candies are more common since they can help you out better on more levels than the Coconut Wheel.

    The Coconut Wheel and the Lucky Candy are the Boosters that are more rare, while the Color Bomb fits almost all levels.

  • Not sure I understand the logic. If they are so rare, why are they so easily obtainable. Not too long ago players gave indications of the amount of those two they have. They were literally hundreds that was built up over the years, yet the amount of times it can be used is so few.

    Secondly, why is it not possible to select a booster more than once. You can do it if there is an event that KING runs.

    I just completed Diamond path winning all levels first time by selecting multiple pre game boosters, thereby winning the Party Popper. It was my choice to sacrifice all those boosters. I selected 5 Colour Bombs, 4 Swedish Fish and 3 Striped and Wrapped Candies in one level alone.

    Why can it not be extended to normal levels. In one of the discussions, a player complains about being stuck on one level for over a month.

    Is the object then not to have a better player experience?

  • WonderlandCentury789
    edited October 2020

    You got party booster by winning diamond? Extremely unfair. You are having a better experience than mine.

    I get NOTHING for winning the trophy. And I'm stuck on level 571.

    You're also lucky because you select multiple boosters for each level. I'm limited to 1 of each kind.

    But the thing that none of us are getting is the color bomb, striped+wrapped, CW, JF, LC. They should be both pre-game and in-game. If you press, it would randomly appear, and that's fine.

  • @WonderlandCentury789, under events there is Diamond Path. You have to complete 5 levels and win the Party Popper.

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619
    edited October 2020

    I doubt if that will happen. Cosmetic changes is what we get.

    Would it not be great if you could select multiple boosters in those NHL

  • Completed level 571 on second try, used CW. Having special Candies also helps especially if the chocolate is at the bottom. Not a easy level I must admit. Hope you get a decent board

  • quote:

    Under events there is diamond path, you have to complete 5 levels and win the party popper.

    And to access that (& the golden path), you'd have to be at the top of the map; (until Wednesday) level 7955 for Win(blows) 10 users (7865 for players on mobile platforms).

    Do the math...

  • mint_aero
    mint_aero Posts: 206


    This is exactly what I have been thinking! The Coconut Wheel is given so often, and hardly able to use it, so therefore just accumulates. It really is so annoying. Selecting it, in game would be so useful.

    Why don't you copy your points raised here, to the ideas section, where hopefully many would vote.

    Fish boosters have become so hard to collect now, and the lucky candy even more so. I do not understand the comparison to coconut wheel as being rare and it being less helpful. The wrapped candy is placed randomly on the board as would the coconut wheel, so the chances of it being used as a combo would be pretty much the same. But alone the coconut wheel could be as good or even better depending on the board.

    Also the decision to only let players select two boosters before staring a level was made, when it was always three, from what I remember. If a change can be made in this way then why can't it be 4 boosters or more. When Build a Bot use to be full there was multiple boosters and even now when you have timed boosters plus the Bot, you can start a level and play with many boosters. Then why can it not be the players decision to which boosters they would like to use?

  • @mint_aero, it was up for a vote some time ago, but sadly there was no interest.

    Your points are very valid. For developers to incorporate it should not be that difficult or maybe I am thinking to simplistically.

  • @Spieler_8675309, you pop up at the most unexpected places. Good to see your threads, been a while

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