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Abysmal treatment by King Player support

Clothsprogs Posts: 23

Level 3

I have spent several weeks, and multiple ticket numbers, sending King player support messaged about a problem I encountered with Candy Crush Saga.

  • I filled in the "contact us" form on the website
  • I received an email asking for more infomration (much of which I had already filled in on the "contact us" form)
  • I replied to the email giving the requested information
  • I received an email saying I HAD NOT REPLIED so the ticket was being closed.
  • I replied again.
  • I got no response.

Now I have been told that they will not respond to messages on this matter because I have not provided the requested information.

How do they expect me to provide the requested information if they don't read their incoming emails I REPLED with the information EVERY TIME

Obviously they are either deliberately ignoring my replies in order to avoid dealing with the issue OR there is a problem with their incoming email system which they are refusing to address, because I refuse to believe that dozens of replies have not been received. One reply not getting through I could understand but not EVERY SINGLE REPLY FOR OVER TWO WEEKS.

They have my email address , they have emailed me at that address multiple times - they claim not to have received a single reply from me - none of my other email have gone astray yet expect me to believe they have not received ANY of my replies, and refuse to do anything about it when I point that out to them -which I have to do via the "contact us" form on - which has limited characters so does not allow for full details to be include, yet is the only method of contacting them that elicits any form of response, even if it is just another message asking for more information, which they then claim they don't receive.

The problem is obviously with the email system but they refuse to either acknowledge that or do anything about it.




  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @Clothsprogs Hi and welcome, I can only apologize on kings behalf and i will tag our CM to this to see if there is anything he can do regarding your issue. Cannot say if he can or not but i am sure he will contact you

    @Crazy Cat Lad

    Hope this helps

  • Clothsprogs
    Clothsprogs Posts: 23

    Level 3

    At this point I am no longer interested in getting the original problem with the game sorted out. I want my complaint about their abysmal treatment of me dealt w

    I have sent a message via the "contact us" form on the website but, of course, are refusing to respond to messages about the original problem so will, in all likelihood ignore my complaint as well

    Or worse, they will email me asking for more information about my complaint and then ignore my reply, which is the essence of the entire complaint.


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @Clothsprogs H, appreciate you are probably a bit peeved with this, but community and customer support are nothing to do with each other. all we can do is pass this on the the CM who can look at your complaint .

    Thank you

  • Clothsprogs
    Clothsprogs Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Thank you, Freddy_Falkner but if they do actually bother to contact me, I won't be able to respond because they will just claim they have not received my reply.


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @Clothsprogs good one lol, as said i hope our CM will contact you , please be patient though as he will only answer in his work hours

  • Clothsprogs
    Clothsprogs Posts: 23

    Level 3

    It is VERY frustrating to be contacted from an email address that apparently WILL NOT ACCEPT REPLIES, yet the email is asking me to reply!


  • Clothsprogs
    Clothsprogs Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Yes Freddy_Falkner, I do realize that the community and Customer Support are different but, they have actually said in one of their emails that directed me to the community and said We value your feedback and ideas and encourage you to share them with us on our forum,

    Given they ACTIVELY DISCOURAGE contacting them at Customer Support, I thought I'd follow their suggestion and vent here.


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @Clothsprogs Lol that's nice, i get to here your vent . they have something to answer for. Wish you all the best and hope something gets resolved for you 😁 eventually

  • Clothsprogs
    Clothsprogs Posts: 23

    Level 3

    @Clothsprogs good one lol, as said i hope our CM will contact you , please be patient though as he will only answer in his work hours

    I wasn't joking!! I am extremely pissed-off at being ignored and provoked for over a fortnight by a department who ask me for replies then don't bother reading them!

    Thank you for responding, but please don't treat my legitimate complaints as a joke! I am frustrated and VERY ANGRY and in no mood to be making light of being treated so badly by

    It is a very legitimate concern that if you CM does contact me, my reply to them will go into the same void of unread replies that all my other replies have been shunted into, and I will receive yet more emails saying I haven't replied.


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @Clothsprogs Hi, apologies if taken the wrong way, was a bit tongue in cheek. do appreciate what you have gone threw hence tagged the CM. genuine believe how frustrated you are with this and would not appreciate it myself

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?