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Level 1816

jac525 Posts: 28

Level 3

Hi, I understand points have been changed recently but I am completely stuck on level 1816. I have noticed through forums and videos, that for most, the points required to pass this level have been reduced to 80,000 however I am still showing 250,000 points required in 35 moves. Even with boosters this seems impossible. I have checked for updates and I seem to be up to date. Any suggestions please?


  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    Hi and welcome to the community.

    Very sorry but there has been an issue on almost all the point scoring levels. And studios have been reported about that. A fix is awaited and soon reach to your device.

    Keep your game up to date and have patience. Once the level will be fixed it will be easier for you to complete the level.


  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374

    Issues have been reported with various levels of points. The solution is on the way. I suggest you communicate it to technical support directly from the game. In the meantime, here are some tips that can help you beat the level. Keep enjoying

  • hechicerilla
    hechicerilla Posts: 10,374


    Hints and tips showing how to pass level 1816 Candy Crush Saga without boosters by Cookie

    Get 250,000 points in 25 moves.

    The bombs are the biggest problem, although they are good for scoring points they need to be kept under control or they will kill your game. The points score is not too hard to achieve if the bombs don't get you.

    Watch the candies moving along the conveyor and use them to make colour bombs if possible. If you can't make colour bombs you can use stripe/wrap combos to remove the bombs instead.

    Look carefully at the board and make every move count

  • jac525
    jac525 Posts: 28

    Level 3

    @aijaziqbal and @hechicerilla OK Thank you both, I'll keep an eye on it and hopefully will be fixed soon. I did notice some had reported points required had been reduced already so I was unsure why that would be for some not others.

  • aijaziqbal
    aijaziqbal Posts: 8,884

    You are welcome. Studios keep tweaking few things in the levels according to the feedback of the players. But this issue is currently on all the scoring levels. So hopefully fix will arrive soon. Sorry for inconvenience.


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @jac525 Hi and welcome, The issue has been reported and we are awaiting news on this. Hopefully this will be sometime today, but it has affected a lot of scoring levels so we may have to be patient

    Thank You

  • jac525
    jac525 Posts: 28

    Level 3

    @Freddy_Falkner Thanks, yes it has now been fixed. Was just frustrating as others seemed to have the corrected level weeks ago according to videos and forums so lost my first place in space race, not to mention numerous boosters.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    edited October 2020

    @jac525 Hi again, This happened a couple of weeks back and the issue was fixed with all levels, this was the same error happening again this week Not sure why this happened again but it did. Can appreciate your frustration but these things can happen from time to time.

    If you purchased any boosters that were a waste due to this fault you can contact customer support from your game and they should help you with this

    Thank you

  • jac525
    jac525 Posts: 28

    Level 3

    @Freddy_Falkner Oh right, that makes more sense. Thank you :)

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @jac525 Your welcome and happy crushing

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