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How Do You Do With In App Purchase???

Tasty_Cake Posts: 2,592
edited December 2020 in Support

Hey @Crazy Cat Lad I'm 13 years old and on the Autism spectrum do I still have to Accept The Terms And Policy When I'm 18 Years Of Age???πŸ€”πŸ€”

Best Answer


  • Spinnifix
    Spinnifix Posts: 25,429

    Hello and welcome to our beautiful community

    If you are 18 years old then you can buy. I don't know if you have to say how old you are then. When you are 18 years old, please read everything beforehand. Not that you buy too quickly and you didn't want to. Please think carefully beforehand! At the moment you are not allowed to buy anything. Usually the games are only 18 years old.

    Please read the game conditions!Β 

  • Hi welcome to beautiful world of candy crush community

  • Hi @plushytoysfan !

    To play all King games you will need to accept the Terms and Conditions before you can play where it's stated that you will need to be at least 18 years old to play the game. If you are between 13 and 18 years old you can still play the game, but your legal guardian has to agree and allow you to play the game and therefore is also responsible for all in-app purchases.

    You can find the Terms & Conditions HERE.

  • Werner_Cichy
    Werner_Cichy Posts: 30,269
    Answer βœ“

    If you want to buy something, you should always speak to your parents beforehand. You can always play for free. But your parents should know.

    Your parents are responsible for this

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @plushytoysfan Hi, You would except the terms and conditions when you were 18 if a parent has not already done this for you but at present it best if you just play the game and enjoy it and not worry regarding making purchases. You have a while before you can make purchases in the game so not worth you worrying about these

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