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Tips to win hard levels


Hello, community any clue to win hard levels pls...


  • bekicrusher
    bekicrusher Posts: 1,454 Level 5

    It all depends on a level you're playing ... I usually start the nightmarishly hard levels with as much boosters as possible (the one you can choose before starting a level), especially if I already have the winning streak.

    I checked some of the levels here or on YT, to see how other players did it or to know what to expect. :)

    I think that if you come really far on your first try on a nightmarishly hard level and you only need one more jelly, then use a lollipop crusher, since it's not likely you'll come that far anytime soon ;)

    If you have any problems with a specific level, don't hesitate to ask, since there are a lot of players (including me) that like a challenge in passing a level without boosters ;)

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