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I need help amount of Jelly increased to 30 same as moves app updated today


  • Passed it

  • Hello and welcome to the community. There are four colors plus lots of space and plenty of moves, therefore a task of biding your time and setting off appropriate combinations is required. The first task is to destroy the candy cakes. This will take out the isolated locked chocolate below, exposing the jelly. Consider any jelly reached before cake destruction as a bonus - i.e. focus on destroying the cakes first. Once the cakes are gone, focus on specials/combinations to get at the isolated jelly. Your best combos are color bomb/color bomb and color bomb/striped. Color bomb/wrapped does nothing directly, but might trigger some specials in better places for you. The most difficult jellies to destroy are at the extreme right and left, so always choose to hit them when there is a choice of moves. 45 moves should be plenty, so do not be stressed. Alternatively, destroy as many locked chocolate as possible before destroying cake bombs, since unlocked chocolate is slightly easier to destroy by having a striped candy scratching from the side. You can also get help from the video below.

  • Thank you so much I passed it

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