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Help. Candy crush sage

jami76 Posts: 16

Level 2

edited February 2021 in Discussions

I’m fro Utah. Still new to the community and how this all works.. any tips on how I can get boosters and gold bars with out having to purchase them?? I feel like when I have a booster and want to use it, it gets wasted because what I thought the booster would help me win a level does nothing and I loose my booster and then they have took the spin to win wheel away. It gets real frustrating and I am to the point that I may stop playing because I see all they other players that have like 100 of each booster and I have 0 and when I do get one it will help sometimes but not always. And I have no clue how all these players have so many boosters and I am lucky to have the max of 3 at the most.. also I don’t understand the piggy bank. What is the point of it? I have purchased another one thinking that the gold bars that was in my current piggy bank would give me the gold bars to use if needed which it never gives me that option.. please help me understand what I am doing wrong. 

thanks in advance.


  • Lady_Sarina
    Lady_Sarina Posts: 5,618

    G'day @jami76

    Welcome to the Jelly Community!! 😂

    I'm not currently playing Candy Crush Saga but wow, hundred's of boosters!! Sounds like you might have seen Game Experts lol

    Above, in the top line you will be able to select "Games". There you will be able pick Candy Crush and that will take you to that Community, where you'll be able to talk to housemates who play that game and I'm sure they would love to help you out.

    There's heaps to see and do around all the Communities and you're definitely welcome to discuss the RC or Jelly here!!

    Have a Kingtastic Day!!

  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,046

    Hello @jami76 !

    I've moved your discussion to the Candy Crush Saga Community now. 🤗

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?