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Deleting Messages

I have so many messages and want to delete some. Can I select messages I want to delete or do I need to delete everything

Best Answers

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    Answer βœ“

    Hi, @Albert_Heinrich

    Am i guessing right and this is for the community.

    If so you need to go to messages and the ones you want to get rid of just click on leave conversation and these should be removed from your messages

    If its for something else , just let us know

    Thank you

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619
    Answer βœ“

    @Freddy_, Thanks. Will give it a go. There are so many of them

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    Answer βœ“

    @Albert_Heinrich LOL i know what you mean and i keep all of mine. Should really go through them and delete some of the ones i know i will never need, always been a habit of mine not to delete things i may need in the future

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    Answer βœ“

    @Albert_Heinrich No, only the total message as far as i am aware i looked everywhere to see if this possible a while back and never found anything. only ever been able to do the whole message


  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    Answer βœ“

    Hi, @Albert_Heinrich

    Am i guessing right and this is for the community.

    If so you need to go to messages and the ones you want to get rid of just click on leave conversation and these should be removed from your messages

    If its for something else , just let us know

    Thank you

  • Albert_Heinrich
    Albert_Heinrich Posts: 2,619
    Answer βœ“

    @Freddy_, Thanks. Will give it a go. There are so many of them

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    Answer βœ“

    @Albert_Heinrich LOL i know what you mean and i keep all of mine. Should really go through them and delete some of the ones i know i will never need, always been a habit of mine not to delete things i may need in the future

  • I guess you cannot delete some messages in a conversation. I have 1 conversation with 699 messages. I do not want to leave the conversation though.

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477
    Answer βœ“

    @Albert_Heinrich No, only the total message as far as i am aware i looked everywhere to see if this possible a while back and never found anything. only ever been able to do the whole message

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