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Now to hard to play

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 12

Level 1

Every person I know has now quit CC & I’m the last person left playing 😢. No extra life’s, only the daily free booster! I could complete all 3 levels in a week but now lucky to complete one?

what have King done to drive players away & make this game almost near bearable to play? Taking away the chance of collecting free hammers etc with the daily collecting has finished this game off for me! Feels they are forcing you into a purchase & no longer free to continue levels imo🤷‍♂️


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,611

    Hi Deano I am not sure if you need, or want a reply, but misery loves company as they say.

    You are not alone in feeling the way that you do. Just look at all the discussions with the word level in their title and you will see that they are just complaints about how hard and unbearable the game has become.

    It reads like you are saying that you are missing the rewards from the Fantastic Five feature because all your friends have stopped playing.

    If that is the case, and you still want to play why not consider joining another team?

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 12

    Level 1

    I’m not one who would usually complain as such but there seems to be something missing from this game now, especially from the last couple of weeks as many that I played with have also noticed a change in current levels & decided it was no longer worth continuing🤔It wasn’t the Fantastic 5 booster but one where you collected individual sweets/bombs etc once a day then could build up to collecting hammers & swaps!

    We would purchase boosters etc from time to time but now it needs to be more frequent then ever, obviously it’s why they are making levels harder in order to please the share holder as profit is what matters! But this to me is shooting them selves in the foot as it’s the loyal paying players like myself & friends that are now turning away from what was once a fun, fantastic game to play, after all, who wants to be stuck playing the same level for days on end or a hundred times over☹️. I feel the developers need to add in a free booster (like a separate ufo on the daily spinner for those pass level 8/9000 say) that at least feels like you have a chance in succeeding when trying to beat these current levels? Something has definitely changed in the game & unfortunately it is for the worse! 🤷‍♂️

  • maryjane117
    maryjane117 Posts: 537

    I, unfortunately agree. I was just talking about this with another player whom I found out gets boosters here and there in a way that has never been seen or an option for me. It sucks that certain players have different bonuses depending on who knows what besides the fact that I have wasted money on the game and they want more from me. It certainly is becoming less and less fun that's a fact. Bummer because I did love this game

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,611

    Quote @deano11 I’m not one who would usually complain as such but there seems to be something missing from this game now, especially from the last couple of weeks as many that I played with have also noticed a change in current levels & decided it was no longer worth continuing.

    Well when you care about something, and you can see it inexplicably slipping away from you, your passion for that thing can turn into frustration as you have no control over something you care about being taken away from you. I don't see it as complaining, I see it as a passionate cry for help.

    It wasn’t the Fantastic 5 booster but one where you collected individual sweets/bombs etc once a day then could build up to collecting hammers & swaps!

    Oh right, I guess you must be talking about the Chocolate Box then, or maybe Dexter/Space Race. If it is the Choc Box you are missing then fingers crossed you might find that you get it back soon.

    We would purchase boosters etc from time to time but now it needs to be more frequent then ever

    The theory on this site that has been explained with some style by @Spieler_8675309 is that once you buy anything then you lose all of your free stuff. Also you can see from the many posts complaining about the lack of moves and how hard the game has become that you aren't alone in feeling the way that you do about the game.

    obviously it’s why they are making levels harder in order to please the share holder as profit is what matters! 

    Well as a business of course profit matters, no business can afford to run at a loss.

    But this to me is shooting them selves in the foot as it’s the loyal paying players like myself & friends that are now turning away from what was once a fun, fantastic game to play, 

    The scale of CCS is hard to get your head around. With over 200 million players it would take an awful lot of players to leave before King noticed that they had a problem. So whilst from your perspective it looks like an own goal, from their perspective they won't even notice a few thousand people not playing.

    Something has definitely changed in the game & unfortunately it is for the worse!

    This is another matter that depends on your perspective. I have only been playing since Feb of this year, so I have never known a different standard of CCS to compare my current game to. So from my perspective I haven't seen any change that lets me say that I agree and something has changed for the worse. For King this is another advantage afforded to them by the scale of the game. For every disgruntled player that leaves/stops playing there will be plenty of players like me that have just started.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?