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Level 2439

The level used to be 60 moves, now it's been cut in half to 30 moves. This level is much too difficult to complete now. It was very hard even with 60 moves, now I can't even get close.

Best Answer


  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394
    Answer ✓

    I agree @Goldenswordz! I played it with 40 moves a couple of months ago and still had trouble passing it! I can only imagine how tougher it must be with the latest reduction! 😨 In any case, here's a video with 30 moves that may help you with your strategy:

  • Freddy_
    Freddy_ Posts: 68,477

    @Goldenswordz Hi and welcome,

    The game studio have amended lots of the old levels. some due to things being removed from the game etc, but they are what they are now and all we can do is get on with playing the levels in there current format. many have had moves removed from them to make them more challenging

    Hopefully the helpful video above will help you with some hints and tips and you will be able to clear the level

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,869

    Hi and Welcome to our Community

    level 2439 .For this level try to play from bottom to shuffle the candies. Make special candy and combine them with other special candy to break the jellies. Or play near to remaining jelly candy to break them all.

  • Timon45
    Timon45 Posts: 441

    2 max color bombs too easy to beat the the level before I played the level 666 was total is 66 moves and collect blue candies

  • selavog791
    selavog791 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    best to all

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