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retiring after level 10,000

It is with great relief and sadness that I'm retiring from Candy Crush after reaching level 10,000. The last couple hundred levels or so have been painful and difficult, and the fun is no longer there, but I made it to 10K without spending a cent (although I'm sure your ad sponsors would appreciate the thousands of ads I watched over the last few years =) I would like to thank the King community for keeping me occupied during COVID and appreciate the variety of challenges you've thrown at us. Best of luck to those continuing past 10K !!

Chuck (giant eyeball icon if you've ever crossed paths with it)


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,794

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Congratulations on reaching level 10000, Some levels are challenging and some are easy to pass. and when we can complete a very difficult level there is a certain satisfaction in playing Candy Crush. Hope you can come back again. Please stay safe

  • J.s.
    J.s. Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Most levels are difficult at the 9000 level and frustrating. Any kind of satisfaction you receive from beating a hard level is overshadowed by the frustration and aggravation of the next level which is usually another hard level...Even your easy levels that don't have a "hard" designation are difficult. Playing the stress away or relaxing just doesn't apply to this game at this level. scotland_chucks comments are spot on!

  • Boybinary
    Boybinary Posts: 3,073

    Guidbye Bye Bye for noo See ye efter

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