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Level 3997 - Before I physically bang my head against the wall, I shall ask.

I have been stuck on this level for a while now and with only 10 moves, I can’t figure out any way to clear the central column enough to drop the single cherry once the keys have been collected to unlock the final boxes too,

when I have looked online for any walkthourghs for this levels it brings up an older version which is completely different. I would really appreciate any advice as I love playing Candy Crush. It is one of the few things that is a distraction when I’m dealing with a severe depressive disorder.


  • @Alkiezrus hi and welcome to our Community!

    I am not on this level, I am back near level 1000, so I haven't play yet this one!

    However, I have some opinion and it is that you can win this one only using boosters!

    Of course there is a problem, and it is how often do the keys fall down and how many of them needed to open the locked places!

    It is a really hard equation!

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,783

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Yes level 3997 changed now with 10 moves. First break dark chocolates as many as you can and collect keys as many as you can to unlock sugar chest. Then make special candies and combine special candies to collect remaining keys, to break waffles, remaining dark chocolates and to bring down all ingredients to the bottom to complete the level. 

  • hisharleyrider
    hisharleyrider Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I completely agree with Alkiezrus and the question about level 3997...IMPOSSIBLE! There is NOT enough moves to complete this level and I have come so close but I need a miracle. When I look up help on Google the suggestions I get says it's for this level but the board looks nothing like my board! What the ......this is supposed to be fun!?!

    The reply sent from King Community to the original question makes absolutely no sense and is completely uselessness information. Does anyone have a helpful suggestion since I have tried everything to pass this level.

  • AmandaBernice
    AmandaBernice Posts: 23

    Level 3

    Omg I am now stuck here how did you beat it?

  • babygirl85
    babygirl85 Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Help I am stuck also I am ready to break out the credit card or check Google play credits. It is impossible to beat this game and like stated YouTube has the older version and the new has boosters. Well I am all out of boosters and all out of gold so he ow do I beat this game

  • evettesmom
    evettesmom Posts: 1

    Level 1

    I hope it isnt too late for a suggestion. This level is frustrating me also. With only 10 moves it is very hard to beat. However, I watched a video on youtube. Suzy Fuller beat the level using a wrapped wrapped combo. Im going to give it a go

    Good luck!

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