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Level 1665 yes level 1665 is a joke cursed or rigged could they reduce this to 4 colors please

I lost this level everyway imaginable

1 if countdown timers had 9 instead of 8 (20 times)

2 if I had 21 moves instead of 20 (60 tines)

3 if cascades did not stop and taking away my last match to get the final jelly (25 times)

4 when using jelly fish booster if I could match one more fish I would have won (40 times)

is this the worst luck anyone has ever had on a level


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,819
    edited October 2021

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Thanks for the feedback will pass this to the game team. Level 1665 is the hard one , need several time to play and a lucky board . Please check this video hope give some Tips

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