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Regarding rank/milestones, etc.


What are the criteria for ranking up in this game?

Is it points based? If so, is it known how many points are necessary per rank?


  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650 Pro Player 👑
    edited November 2021

    Hello @MajorMinimalBrowning , this is what I found about Rank. I would say you have a very good ranking!

    How does rank work?

    What is rank?

    Rank is a cool way to show off your Candy Crush Saga skill-level and get extra lives in the process. A higher rank lets other players know that you are a serious Candy Crush Saga player who can match candies with their eyes closed!

    How can I find what my rank is?

    You can see your rank by looking at the number on the bottom left-hand corner of your player avatar, shown at the top of the map screen.

    How do I rank-up?

    Ranking-up is easy, just play levels! Every time you play a level, experience points or 'XP' is awarded. The better you do in the level, the more experience points are added. Once you fill up your experience-meter shown beneath your avatar, you will move up a level/rank.

    What do I get for ranking-up?

    Every time you reach a new rank, we reward you with a top-up of your lives. Your life-meter has a full capacity of 5 lives, so if it's already full, it will only add as many as it needs to fill up. Every 5 levels you will win a delicious frame for your avatar. You will get a new frame at level 5, 10, 15, and so on, so keep playing, keep ranking-up and show all the other players just how good you are at Candy Crush Saga. Sweet!

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