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Sweet Crew

Minxstress Posts: 14

Level 2

I would like to know what happened to the sweet crew rewards. We used to get way better rewards like one hour or lives and boosters and now it's just pure trash rewards. I just wanna know why king removes everything that makes the game slightly fun and tolerable please


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Hello @Minxstress I have not seen the new rewards for Sweet Crew as fifty levels in four days is nigh on impossible with the state of the current game.

    King won't answer your question here, but I would imagine for King the change to the rewards would be driven by cost. They might have found that too many people were completing levels easily with the old rewards without having to buy additional boosters.

    Here are the old rewards. Can you post a screenshot of the new rewards please.

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376

    OP is spot-on. @Alienscar The previous recent reward (a week or so ago) changed everything in your screenshot all to 10 minutes (same boosters/infinite lives, didn't think to take a pic since I thought it'd be a permanent change). 10 minutes might as well be 10 seconds for players stuck on a single hard level. πŸ™„

    To top that off, today the reward was changed to +5 heart refill (useless when I was already at a max of 5 due to opening my game and being given the Sweet Crew reward right away) and a single normal booster of the CB, S/W & CW. Such generosity!! owait

  • Over the weekend my rewards were still the hour long boosters shown by @Alienscar . ( I say my rewards, but i don';t think i contributed a single level out of the 50, as i'm at the end of the game where the levels are a disgrace.). Either the "improved" rewards haven't been rolled out to everyone, or i got in just before the "improvement".

    Every change King makes to the game these days simply makes the game more horrible. I would love to know what feedback they are basing these changes on, as it cannot be coming from the players.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Well that is shocking news Deryck.

    Ten minutes is next to useless as you use all of your five lives in three minutes on one level.

    the +5 lives refill is also useless as it never gives you +5 lives it only ever provides the difference between 5 and how many lives you happen to have at the moment you receive the reward. So +5 can turn into just +1. Not much of a reward for four days of playing, and really just another two finger salute from King.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618
    edited November 2021

    @Michael-6 Every change King makes to the game these days simply makes the game more horrible. I would love to know what feedback they are basing these changes on, as it cannot be coming from the players.

    For me that is the worrying thing about these changes Michael. We all know that King collects player data from the games being played, and they do so on a daily (if not hourly) basis.

    If they are making these changes based on the data that they collect then the only conclusion that can be drawn is that every change they make is to purposefully make the game harder to make people buy boosters/gold.

    I say this because the original rewards from Sweet Crew really helped me complete levels, so I guess that this would be the same for everyone. Seeing this in their data King must have decided that this wasn't the result that they wanted.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    This really is one of the poorest rewards I have seen in Candy Crush for nearly four days of playing.

  • kimsmitgytder
    kimsmitgytder Posts: 342

    Sweet crew completed

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