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Fantastic Five will not give reward or reset. Please help.

nfavret Posts: 1

Level 1

My Fantastic Five is completed, but it won’t give reward or reset. Help


  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650
    edited December 2021

    Hello @nfavret , welcome to the King Community!


    If on a mobile device try with force closing the app and restarting the device and see if it gets updated and your F-5 feature is ok.

    If that doesn't resolve the issue

    Please do the standard trouble shooting by log out, update your game application, restart your device and login, if playing through browser please clear cache/ history. And login again.

    Thank you and I hope this will resolve your F-5 issue

    Let us know your results please

    Kind regards

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713

    Hi! A couple people have reported this. Some features do appear glitchy at times. Also, is your team total actually the correct amount for max rewards?

  • Jules_Jules-2
    Jules_Jules-2 Posts: 19

    Level 2

    edited December 2021

    Had the same issue - Help Team was very responsive

  • Lisal6715
    Lisal6715 Posts: 4,070

    Having this problem where I cannot get F5 awards on my iPad please help

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?