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Level contest

Dark_alexa18 Posts: 10

Level 2

Hy. My level contest is "broken"

It stais like this Forever....If I finish level 1390 îs goes to 1400 for example...and i never get into the contest level ....and cant win golden bars...please help.

Tried eveything inluding reinstaling the game


  • Welcome to the King Community.

    According to your screenshot, your episode race is not working properly, which means there is probably an error in your race. However you can contact our player support and you will get helpful information from them😊

    Thank you!

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,836

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Sorry for the Inconvenience . features Episode Race might be temporarily unavailable as features come and go. They are not the permanent part of the game and can be replaced or unavailable at any time. Always keep your game up to date

  • Dark_alexa18
    Dark_alexa18 Posts: 10

    Level 2

    @kiara_wael thank You...îți is odd because nu husband has the contest and my colegues ar work too... The game îs up to date always

  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,713

    Hi there. I often don't have the episode race available to me either. I just got it back last week after not having it for months. It seems to be a bit random!

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?