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Larry_Holland Posts: 72

Level 3

Merry Christmas to all. I'm on 3017 since the 17th need 100 choc. Blocks in 13 moves. I can get 50 most times but never close to 100. If I had 1 more gold bar I would have 35 extra moves, but I don't. No way can I get 100 in 13 moves. sad thanks for reading


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,836

    Hi and welcome to the King Community

    For hard level need several time to play , Did you check this video , hope give some Tips

    Merry Christmas 

  • Larry_Holland
    Larry_Holland Posts: 72

    Level 3

    I have played more than 100 times never close. How can I get 100 Choc. Squares if they're not 100 to get ever?

  • Glenn1972
    Glenn1972 Posts: 16,650

    Hi @Larry_Holland ,

    In Candy Crush Saga Level 3017 you need to let the game create the chocolates. On this level if you play too aggressive it won't have time create the chocolates. If you don't play aggressive enough the board can become overwhelmed with chocolates

    Try to find the right balance in your play. I think all of us had to play this level many times to get this right

    I offer this video I found for reference

    Hope this will help you some, Happy Holidays 🎄

  • Larry_Holland
    Larry_Holland Posts: 72

    Level 3

    Thanks, I wish I could get a board like the video.

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