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Feedback on levels 11 196 - 11 240!



  • M_gal
    M_gal Posts: 10

    Level 2

    edited February 2022

    Level 11 202: To avoid the "oops" problem, especially when starting without boosters, be careful in the way you switch the first two striped candies provided on the left side. Look at the bubblegum above them and hit the one that is one hit from popping which should be switching the striped candies from left to right. Also, when switching the two striped candies on the right side, pay attention to the bubblegum above.

  • M_gal
    M_gal Posts: 10

    Level 2

    edited February 2022

    In level 11 203, not only were the moves reduced from 30 to 20, but two wrapped candies from the bottom half of the board were replaced by multi-layered blockers.

    Level 11 205 had its moves reduced from 35 to 22, making it difficult to collect the required licorice swirls.

    Level 11 209 is just terrible: moves reduced from 32 to 18, sour skulls, jelly jars, licorice shells, licorice locks added to the bonbons, and a 251 jelly objective. There is too much going on in this level; it is not fun to play.

  • M_gal
    M_gal Posts: 10

    Level 2

    Tip for 11 201: if playing without boosters, the level starts with two color bombs separated in the center column and below are three green candies when switched together cause the two color bombs to fall next to each other creating a color bomb combo. If playing with a full necklace or timed boosters, one of the green candies might be replaced by a booster.

  • Bll2
    Bll2 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    Level 11236, another level that had 32 moves and now only 19. Every week you are always doing the same, changing the amount of moves and making them impossible to beat unless you have extra moves and full of boosters. I miss how the game was a few years ago, now you have killed the fun. I didn't even get a reward for passing level 11000. I'm done with this game.

  • Helicalprime
    Helicalprime Posts: 58

    Level 3

    Level 11197 Form 31 moves to 15…


  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,201
    edited February 2022

    Level 11218 was classed in a previous comment as being one of the hardest. That was with 32 moves so of course it has now been reduced to 22, here we go again.

    UPDATE: Well that was hard work, took me an extra 33 moves to pass. Why does it take so many extra moves when the original was 32. In my case it was because I just couldn't get matching candies where they were needed.

    Oh well, passed it now so move on.

  • Lmpy
    Lmpy Posts: 56

    Level 3

    edited February 2022

    11209 is wearing me down. The other levels in part 1 have been a joy but this one just has too few levels to complete. I chanced my last 10 gold on a "play on" after an excellent board, with 18 extra moves, but no more fish were spawned and I failed with one jelly remaining. The horror.

  • Philippos_Kli
    Philippos_Kli Posts: 42

    Level 3

    edited March 2022

    Level 11230 impossible

    All my friends and I are stuck on this level....

    Probably needs a change asap

  • madammeowmeow
    madammeowmeow Posts: 29

    Level 3

    I see posts saying 11235 was one of their favorite levels. That had to have been first release. It’s impossible now! How do you get all 12 ingredients down in only 20 moves?

  • nursiepooh
    nursiepooh Posts: 436

    Absolutely this level makes no sense except for a $$$ grab

    To reduce the moves is ridiculous

    Any you tube videos show over 30 moves and boosters being used

    stuck for days and I have used boosters including getting unlimited timed boosters from a chocolate

    I now have 35 extra moves still have not bought any boosters or GB

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