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Good afternoon everyone. I am currently stuck on level 779 y having fun with color bombs. I am wondering how do you get past this level? Please let me know and have a wonderful weekend.


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 159,809

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Level 779. you need to use good trick to complete this level. For this level you should try to make colorbomb by combining five same color candies and combine with striped candy to break more blockers. Use same technique or match colorbomb with normal candy that you already get. As you will break with normal candy then you will have more other same color candy that will help to make more colorbomb to reach the target. and Please check this video. hope give some Tips

    Good Luck

  • jenniferfields39898
    jenniferfields39898 Posts: 62

    Level 3

    Good afternoon @kiara_wael . Thanks for your help. I was able to get past this level and several more. Thanks again and have a nice day.

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