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3235 ?

Larry_Holland Posts: 72

Level 3

Why is this level not listed as a hard level.? No why can it be beat with 15 moves. I'm seeing more and more of thses levels that can't be beat untill we get lots moe moves with gold bars, just asking Hello all


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Hi @Larry_Holland I wish I could answer your question as I would really like to understand what criteria is used to label the levels.

    Our resident (ex resident?) Kingster, @LindQ told us that the difficulty rating of a level is completed automatically by a script. She also told us that the script is out of date and only operates after a level has been live for a few weeks.

    As level 3235 has been around for so long the script must have run by now, so I guess either the level script doesn't see the level as Hard, or, because the script is out of date, has labelled it incorrectly.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?