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Can't Comment on Discussions/Can't Add link on friends page

KikaVV Posts: 4 Newbie

Hello, one of the annoying Newbies here lol😆I'm having a few issues, hopefully a kind person will stop scrolling and help me out..... Here's what I'm struggling with.

1. On King Community I can't reply/comment on discussions. I scroll down to where it says "comment" I click on it and it either refreshes the page or does absolutely nothing.....? What am I doing wrong lol?

2. On King Community Idk what link I need to copy and paste to make friends....Idk which freaking link I need and how to upload it. I copied a link I'm pretty sure is the one needed, tried to upload it and wouldn't allow me to click on the link..... I'm going insane in the brain as I'm very tech savvy maybe this Community just doesn't like me lol.

THANK YOU SO, SO MUCH Whomever takes time to help me out.

Thanks again, From a woman who's about to pull her freaking hair out🙍🏽‍♀️🤷🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️🙆🏽‍♀️

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