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Broken Profile

ccrusher5757 Posts: 2 Newbie
edited May 2022 in Support

Has anyone else had trouble with their account? Ever since I opened my candy crash saga account I’ve had problems playing like other people in my CC group. I can’t see anything on my profile because It won’t load anything at all when I click on it, I never get access to the seasonal updates (like the Easter eggs recently) or win streaks, I can’t see my friends list, and the friends I have been able to add don’t see my progress. It shows I’m on level two when in reality I’ve made it far beyond that level now. I’ve tried deleting the game and signing back in & all that does is make me lose all my boosters. :(

thanks everyone!


  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,714 Community Hub Moderator

    Hi there and welcome to the Community,

    Understood that you have issue signing in your game and so on. May I know the model/make of your device?

    Yes, unfortunately, deleting the game will result in you losing all the boosters and lives that you've accumulated in your device because it is saved in your phone system/data. However, you may able to claim back your boosters if they have been bought but not used. If this is the case, you need to contact the Customer Support for such refund. Make sure you have the proof of purchase as supporting.

    Please let us know if you still have any issues relating to the game or questions about this Community.


  • Lola_Pop
    Lola_Pop Posts: 12,035 Community Manager

    Hi, @ccrusher5757, and welcome to the Community!

    I've moved your question to the Candy Crush Saga forum- but @wykoon is right, we'll need some information to assist you, like the model and make of your device, and a screenshot that we can share with the game team in the Studio if needed 😊

    I'll tag our Candy Mods as well: @Sukanta_Biswas , @kiara_wael , @bearwithme and @Tess92

  • ccrusher5757
    ccrusher5757 Posts: 2 Newbie

    Helloooo :)

    thank y’all for helping me out.

    I am playing on an iPhone 11 Pro Max.

    I set up my profile with just an email / created a king account With an email to save my progress.

    This is basically all I see when I try to open my profile, can’t send any of my friends lives unless they request them from me.

  • bearwithme
    bearwithme Posts: 16,137 Candy Moderator

    Hello @ccrusher5757 and welcome to our wonderful community! I am sorry you are having this issue. There should be no issue playing on an iPhone 11 promax. I play on a 12 promax.

    I assume your game software is up to date as well as your iPhone software?

    Latest iOS is 15.4.1

    Latest game version is

    You said you created a account to save your progress. When did you create it?

    As far as getting your progress back - player support can help and so can our Candy Crush game Community Manager- @Crazy Cat Lad. Do you remember what level you were on?

    I am sorry about the lost boosters. In future - if you back up your phone to the iCloud, you can restore from a prior back-up to get your boosters back - but then you would still have the same issue.

    I do t know why the de-install reinstall didn’t clear up the issue. It should have. This is definitely something you will need player support to look into.


  • Lindark
    Lindark Posts: 5,681 Sweet Legend

    Hello, it sounds like you are not properly connected to the internet on your app. What happens if you try signing out and back in? Does that help at all?

  • ccrusher5757
    ccrusher5757 Posts: 2 Newbie

    Hi all!

    I tried to do a sign out sign back in & no luck.

    Does anyone know If there is a way to save my progress a different way at this point?

    It sucks to have to miss out on key features in the game. 😭

  • Crazy Cat Lad
    Crazy Cat Lad Posts: 14,123 Community Manager
    edited May 2022

    Hi @ccrusher5757 !

    This issue is being looked into by the Game Team.

    I have no info about a fix, but please keep the app updated to get all bug fixes as soon as they are released.

    Meanwhile, please try with turning the device into landscape and see if the graphics show up. If they do, then turn the phone back to portrait.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?