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Please reassess new conveyor belts

jnr412 Posts: 1

Level 1

edited May 2022 in Discussions

I just noticed this morning that the conveyor belt movement (I am on level 5255) has sped up, I am guessing to due a game update rather than something specific about this level.

I find the newer, faster movement of the belt completely jarring in a way that I have never encountered with another game element, and it interferes with the rhythm I have come to expect from Candy Crush over the years.

This may be my idiosyncratic response but it drove me to create an account on this forum to flag it. I kindly ask the game designers to review and consider reverting to the previous conveyor belt movement.

Also, I'm sorry if this is posted in the wrong section of the forum!


  • wykoon
    wykoon Posts: 12,717

    Hello there,

    Welcome to the Community 🙂.

    The current conveyor belt in the game is a new version of that is still being tested and thank you for the feedback.

    We will pass it on to the game Studio.

    Have a lovely evening.

  • Swangirl212
    Swangirl212 Posts: 1

    Level 1

    Please bring back the smooth movement of the conveyor belt. The new jerky motion of the belt is annoying and makes me feel as if headache coming on.

  • Kazza-3
    Kazza-3 Posts: 232

    I agree. The “new” jerky conveyor belt just appeared in my game after the last update & it is hard to look at. Why on earth would they change it?

  • gordan10
    gordan10 Posts: 10,930

    I had that jerky movement of the conveyor belt in my game for a while and it drove me nuts. It went away after a few days and I was extremely grateful.

  • Carol-38
    Carol-38 Posts: 12,237
    edited May 2022

    Hi @Crazy Cat Lad @LindQ @wykoon how do we get a serious message to King re the jerking of belts in levels. I am on the 11700's where this is happening a lot. After playing a level for 5 or 6 times I start to get a headache and if I carry on start to feel sick so have to turn off.

    On the television news when flashing images are about to appear - this is very similar - viewers are warned so that they can look away. It is a well known fact that many people can be affected.

    There has also been a lot of comments re this problem in this community. Surely King have Health Avisors who advice on these issues. If not they need to look into it as soon as possible. It isn't necessary and is a real problem for many players.

    If you aren't able to help, please let me know who I should contact.

    Thank you

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