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🔮 How do you feel about the Magic Shuffler?



  • Kiki_g
    Kiki_g Posts: 3,913
    I don't have it in my game yet.


  • Terri_1
    Terri_1 Posts: 2,482
    I don't have it in my game yet.

    Never got this one either

  • Andres-2
    Andres-2 Posts: 4,534
    Divine! I love the Booster and to shuffle the candies!


  • pillow6
    pillow6 Posts: 1,086
    Divine! I love the Booster and to shuffle the candies!

    Yay! I have the booster in my game and helping you to pass difficult levels such as 4319, 4325, etc.

  • gamepower
    gamepower Posts: 777
    I don't have it in my game yet.

    I Voted ✔️

    I have not seen the magic shuffler in my game yet.

  • greddycandy
    greddycandy Posts: 12,429
    I don't have it in my game yet.


  • SabrinaM
    SabrinaM Posts: 3,568
    I don't have it in my game yet.


    I would love to have it 😊

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Why are there only three options in your poll @Crazy Cat Lad?

    I have used the Magic Shuffler three times now.

    The first time I watched the adverts it caused my game to crash.

    The second time the advert option only appeared when I had two moves left.

    The third time I had plenty of moves left after watching the advert, but the Magic Shuffler was of no use. The board was split in two halves separated by blockers. The limited board space and limited quantity of candy on the board reduced the effectivity of the Magic Shuffler.

    The Shuffler is far too random to be worth spending 9 gold bars on it.

    If you have Power Pops there is no need to also have the Magic Shuffler as the Purple Surprise is a much better option.

    The Magic Shuffler would be improved if instead of randomly shuffling every candy on the board it worked like a giant Free Switch and allowed you to move (not swap) ten (for example) candies anywhere on the board that you wanted.

  • MountainMom
    MountainMom Posts: 14,397
    I don't have it in my game yet.

    @Crazy Cat Lad, I always prefer to watch ads rather than spend gold bars to win boosters! I'll try out the Magic Mixer when it arrives in my game (for free).

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