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πŸ† Candy Cup - Did you make it to the Quarter Finals?



  • I totally agree with you and more because now having limited the lives that you can get from Friends, an hour of color bomb is pretty useless after after you've used up your lives which we know does not take long. Before you can accumulate enough more to keep playing of course the clock has run out. And I agree the prices given in any part of this game completely suck completely suck I had to say it twice you try and you try and you try and he's driving he's driving you you know what you want to do well, and it's such a disappointment in the end. And I have spent money real money in my quests it's ridiculous. I am on my 17th win streak right now that means I completed and finished first 17 entire episodes in a row and I probably only amassed around 500 gold bars. Then I spent $300 of them trying to complete a level that never ever ever did drop that last Cherry that I needed to collect so I ended up losing and I lost all the gold I'd accumulated. And playing with data not Wi-Fi so spending a ton of money there too! Taking time to screen record and screenshot and write into wherever I need to write to it's all of it is getting just way too much for me. More often than not I am shorted my prizes that I win or purchase I spend hours sending emails and dealing with everything to do with trying to get what I deserve and one fairly or bought straight up. Why the heck do we have to take screenshots and double check and make sure blah blah everything we do. You think that would be up to King don't you as the game people owners developers whatever you call them? They don't have any glitches or errors when we moving money from our accounts now do they not ever ever ever! They always get their money. I have so many screenshots backed up I can't even get the emails out to them to tell them about it. And yeah cabdy royale sucks major. My hand just has muscle memory and X's it out every time. There's no point to it it's a waste of time especially when you get 44 bars after completing 7 levels in a row! FML and King I'm very disillusioned yeah and the f5 race was one that you could actually strive for and hope to get something out of it it was fun being on a team and doing it that way no I suppose if they ever do bring it back my team won't be the same we all worked well together and nobody was just too long for the ride I'm mad at a lot. I'm really mad at a lot. Even when you write into them email them or complain contact them whatever, they give you some generic form letter and basically putting the onus on you. Screenshot it restart your device remove your sim card blah blah blah do this do that do everything like shut the heck up. And quit telling me how to do that I've been playing Candy Crush for 10 years now like give me a break and a little more respect than you do. Yeah I'm not happy at all anymore the community completely lost that website is a mess every page looks the same you have to look for your post pages and pages and Pages down the line why the last post is not first I'll never know now I'm really going off on a tangent here and I'm going to stop thank you. And I'm sorry I inadvertently used your post as the forum to get this off my chest. But you see that shows it's the perfect example showing how many things about King I suppose it is in particularly, is just wrong plain and simply wrong. If you're talking about one thing and at least 100 other things there's a problem wouldn't you say? And it's too bad because I like playing this game, however, less and less and less-er.

  • I made it!

    @bearwithme 11122 πŸ™ŒπŸΎ

  • Diamond_Lim
    Diamond_Lim Posts: 170,758
  • I made it!

    Can’t wait to see who made it the finals!

  • LeFlarcane
    LeFlarcane Posts: 19,920
    I made it!

    Finally! I made it to the finals!

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