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No Ads for Boosters anymore?

Iluvgames Posts: 135
edited September 2022 in Support

HELP!!! Probably started for me around Episode Gummy Gardens (into level 12,000’s somewhere) the Ads for Moves and/or Boosters aren’t being offered hardly at all anymore 😔. Almost Never 😔. Plus the Ads when I do get them are often hanging up and stalling and we have to close the App and lose our progress. Plus Fantastic Five is gone. All of this is not allowing me to continue playing and there’s no way to win Gold Bars 😢. And with the Candy Cup Event ongoing this will put me at a distinct disadvantage. Any chance we can get this looked at and fixed? It’s been kind of frustrating, It started about a week before the Candy Cup event launched 😔. And even the Ads for more lives is glitchy too 🤔. Thanks, I’d appreciate it


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