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Lost lives/moves/bara

Trici1364 Posts: 4

Level 1

So I was in 4154 about 7 candies from wining. I spent money for 15 mins of unlimited lives and also spent bars for extra moves. Then there was a glitch and all was lost. I'm pretty angry that my money was wasted and so were my bars. What can be done to remedy this?


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617
    edited September 2022

    You can contact Player Support when things go wrong with a purchase @Trici1364

    Here is an excerpt of an article on the subject.

    Did you receive the purchase but you couldn’t use it?

    Contact us here and tell us what went wrong exactly and we’ll help you out.

    Here are some examples of possible sticky situations:

    • You bought Gold Bars to finish a level but you didn’t receive the extra moves.
    • The game crashed or reloaded after your purchase.

    Don't worry! We can help you find the solution to your purchase issues. If you can't seem to solve it. Don't hesitate in contacting us here

    Here is the full article

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