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Why only 20 lives a day not fair

lynanu Posts: 3

Level 1

If you don’t lay for a couple of days and friends have given you lives you don’t ge5 them that’s not on


  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Yes @lynanu once you reach the maximum number of lives you are allowed to receive in a day then any other lives sent are lost.

    We can't do a lot about it other than to complain here and to Player Support. Hopefully King will get the message that it is contemptible to treat their customers in this way.

  • lynanu
    lynanu Posts: 3

    Level 1

    They should allow them to carry over cos if you can’t play 1 or 2 days those lives are lost just not on ,,,

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,618

    Well, if they allowed them to carry over that would mean we receive more than our allowance, so I doubt they will let that happen @lynanu

    If King wants to limit how many lives we can store I would much prefer that they remove the daily acceptance and use limits and just delete all of our unused lives at midnight every day. This way everyone wins. Players get to use as many lives as they can in a day and King gets to ensure that none are stored.

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?