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🚨 Banner for Milestone Level - How to Update it!



  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376
    edited December 2022

    @Origins7_Dale @Crazy Cat Lad This is getting ridiculous. The 10,000 level banner was fine--at least that's a real achievement. But making a banner for every interval is getting out of hand. In my profile leaderboard, at one time I had players with banners over their avatars indicating 300 and 400 (I log in and out of my game periodically, so I often end up losing the newly added players). Why should that get a banner. I wonder how much game space all this banner nonsense is taking up.

  • Alienscar
    Alienscar Posts: 16,617
    edited December 2022

    What strikes me as ridiculous is that from what I can gather you have to complete levels that you have already completed previously to gain a banner to show that you have passed a milestone that you have already passed.

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376
    edited December 2022

    Let's just start handing out participation banners while we're at it. That way no one gets excluded and no one's feelings get hurt like we're a bunch of kindergarteners! /sarc


    Who does King think their main demographic is anyway?

    Kids are playing Pokemon and Fortnite, not Candy Crush.

  • Ryanthecrusher
    Ryanthecrusher Posts: 534
    edited December 2022

    I think that the event is only avaliable when you reach level 10000? I'm not sure

  • ernstbln
    ernstbln Posts: 297
    edited December 2022

    you need to complete 10 of the hardest games just to get a banner. it's a ruse to get you to use a lot of boosters and not really gain anything of value. I have played game 2 40 times so far and best finish left just over a 100 left. same with all the games.

  • MaryLuyo2020
    MaryLuyo2020 Posts: 1,341
    edited December 2022

    I don't have that function!

    Thanks you @Diamond Lim for tagging me

  • torrevieja
    torrevieja Posts: 120
    edited December 2022

    Don't worry. You're not missing anything.

  • Origins7_Dale
    Origins7_Dale Posts: 3,551
    edited December 2022

    Hi @AshieK22 @Spinnifix @Heshan_G @Alienscar @Yorben_Goeree @Sukanta_Biswas @Diamond Lim @teresawallace44 @Kazza-3 @greddycandy @Deryck @torrevieja @Goldenswordz @Ryanthecrusher @ernstbln @MaryLuyo2020

    Ok, to clear up some of this confusion, which includes myself. A bit mislead by this. What we have is a *Two In One Feature!

    You have the:

    *Part 1!

    • Milestone Badge / *Level Banner On Avatar, Up Too *Level 10,000! From *Level 1000 Too *Level 10,000, That You Beat! Explained On *Page 1, By @Sukanta_Biswas & Myself!

    *Part 2!

    • Milestone Challenge / *Got This Feature On 9/30/2021 On *Win 10!

    Click The *10 Green Level Buttons In The Vault, In Any Order!

    *Level 1 *Done!

    *Level 2

    *Level 3

    *Level 4

    *Level 5

    *Level 6

    *Level 7 *Done!

    *Level 8

    *Level 9

    *Level 10

    Beat those *10 Levels in the allotted *Timer Of 167 Hours +, for the *Reward / *Badge!

    The levels are not easy. So suggest you have *Boosters, before going into it. You are given an *Option to check them, before playing the level!

    • Milestone Challenge - CCS - Origins7 Dale

    Not sure what the *Reward / *Badge is yet, but if time & health permit, I'll try to post it, when done. Don't have many *Boosters now, so need to get some first.

    I have the *10,000 / *Badge / *Banner On Avatar Already, so not sure what *Kind of Badge / *Reward, I will get here on this *Milestone Challenge? Must be different, is my take on it.

    Hope this clears things up.

    Cyas Group - Origins7 Dale, 😀


  • arwen777
    arwen777 Posts: 1,394
    edited December 2022

    I finally finished the levels today and got the badge, which is basically a ribbon on my game avatar of my current milestone (4000). It was definitely not worth the boosters I used to get through some of the levels. So my advice to anyone who's trying to get it is to not spend anything! If you can win the levels, fine. If not, you aren't missing anything important!

  • Tzvi_Marcu
    Tzvi_Marcu Posts: 2,593
    edited December 2022

    @Origins7_Dale Maybe you know, why I have 10 and I saw here players with 5?

Hey! Would you like to give us your opinion?