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Stuck 3633

tiglet Posts: 79

Level 3

This is getting boring now.. stuck on a level for days no matter what boosters are used or fall can anyone help really feel like quiting being stuck on levels for too long

Best Answer

  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,115
    Answer ✓

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Level 3633 . Level 3633 is a jelly level with the board in two halves that are not connected in any way, so the only way to break into the bottom half is by using combos, this will start to unlock the licorice and also hit the fishing floats and give plenty of fish which will help to unlock the licorice and wrapped candies.

    The hardest part of the level is getting the licorice and wrapped candies unlocked, but once you have some wraps unlocked you can use them to clear away the licorice and jelly in the bottom half of the board.

    While working on clearing the bottom half of the board keep in mind that you may still have some jellies in the top half that need to be cleared.

    Use the fish as much as possible as they will always target the things that need clearing including the licorice and jelly.

    Good Luck


  • kiara_wael
    kiara_wael Posts: 160,115
    Answer ✓

    Hi and Welcome to the King Community

    Level 3633 . Level 3633 is a jelly level with the board in two halves that are not connected in any way, so the only way to break into the bottom half is by using combos, this will start to unlock the licorice and also hit the fishing floats and give plenty of fish which will help to unlock the licorice and wrapped candies.

    The hardest part of the level is getting the licorice and wrapped candies unlocked, but once you have some wraps unlocked you can use them to clear away the licorice and jelly in the bottom half of the board.

    While working on clearing the bottom half of the board keep in mind that you may still have some jellies in the top half that need to be cleared.

    Use the fish as much as possible as they will always target the things that need clearing including the licorice and jelly.

    Good Luck

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