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Give your feedback about Milestone Banner here.



  • I love the Milestone Banner feature and always want to get the latest updates.

    In my opinion, the Community came up with the badge and banner for its participants who achieved milestones. Then it stopped updating banners. No explanations, nothing! I’m one participant who received my badge for 6000 but only I can see it but no banner for 6000 that my co-players can see. Am I frustrated and disappointed ? Yes ! Get your act together king - we are not happy!! ☹️

  • treehouseX
    treehouseX Posts: 31

    Level 3

    I love the Milestone Banner feature and always want to get the latest updates.

    It is Microsoft that has been pulling the strings for a few months now and they are making one bad decision after another without any communication to the community. The moderators also have no clue and make up that it is a test ...right. The web interface is gone, ads are just not shown anymore, banner is no longer obtained or updated, other features gone, the AI is so prominent that it is almost impossible to complete the game level without extra moves or gadgets. I know they have poor community service for Windows, but it turns out it's just part of the business.

  • cacshea
    cacshea Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I love the Milestone Banner feature and always want to get the latest updates.

    I’ve been playing this game for years. How difficult is it to add a banner.

  • Xxander
    Xxander Posts: 5,902
    I love the Milestone Banner feature and always want to get the latest updates.

    I cant find the topic/awnser, but there was an explanation. From the top of my head: the feature was instable ingame and so problems with it. Like you said.....

    But i get your point. For me, personaly, im fine with or without. But not halfway. Thats nothing. So get ride of them, of make ik workeble. This sucks

  • Sharonrej
    Sharonrej Posts: 3

    Level 1

    I began requesting the banner be added to my account when I reached level 5000. Over the weekend I reached level 6000 but have not seen the banner. As of now, I still have the chocolate swipe over my pic - please make banner choice available to all players who want them or at least make them consistent - I feel I've 'earned' my banner!

  • plazaman
    plazaman Posts: 372
    I love the Milestone Banner feature and always want to get the latest updates.

    Is this still relevant Sukanta_Biswas as I was referring a lot of players. I have noticed though that absolutely no-one else does and just say the banners have stopped. Does that mean that there is another way that QueenB is recording the statistics from the hundreds of players who have been asking or is it a case that nothing is now going to be done. Would be nice for those who have voted in favour to be told there was no point, if that is the case. Cheers

  • rebelchild
    rebelchild Posts: 17,781
    I love the Milestone Banner feature and always want to get the latest updates.

    @Sukanta_Biswas thank you for this thread. My vote is on keeping the banners. These milestones are proud achievements for players

  • alsqueen
    alsqueen Posts: 12

    Level 2

    I love the Milestone Banner feature and always want to get the latest updates.

    Hopefully they take our feedback to heart and give us back our milestone banners on our avatars. . How about rewarding us for our loyalty? Thank you!

  • lynncrazycatlady
    lynncrazycatlady Posts: 2

    Level 1

    I don't like the Milstone Banner feature

    My banner hasn’t updated in a long time so I would like it to be removed if it can’t be accurate.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0


    I love the Milestone Banner feature and always want to get the latest updates.

    I love milestone banners.

This discussion has been closed.

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