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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels! 2023



  • veszettbeka
    veszettbeka Posts: 11

    Level 2

    Mocskos csalók vagytok, büdös köcsögök!!! 2 napja szopok a 11958. szinten. 20 lèpèsből????

    Egyre szarabbak lesztek!!!!! 🤬🤬🤑🤑

  • Yes, I'm about ready to just stop playing for awhile. Not buying imaginary stuff 😅 They actually did some adjustments today and I was able to pass it! Thanks

  • You guys are great👍👍👍👍

  • sugiyanto
    sugiyanto Posts: 13

    Level 2

    Saya berada di level 4854 sering kehabisan boster🤦

  • There is no point posting on this thread any more as nobody at King reads this. They would have deleted the foreign language posts if they did.

  • gailanna
    gailanna Posts: 55

    Level 3

    13054. Another level that their system has automatically made harder. I don’t think of people doing this as seeing there is no time to fix the issues, there would not be enough time to make them harder. It is an algorithm..

  • gailanna
    gailanna Posts: 55

    Level 3

    Level 13061. I actually enjoyed this one. A little strategy and won with no STRESS

  • Munster
    Munster Posts: 604

    level 13465, 22 moves to finish 226 blockers and 180 jellies!! this is getting pretty pathetic...not only this level but many levels before it, and not enough moves to even finish a quarter of it..beginning to get upset because it seems the designers are doing this on purpose

  • game 13102 made impossible again for a few days PLEASE designers keep candy crush as a game and not for an impossibly stressful time entertainment reducing the moves to 20 has become a specialty to make the games really hard What now with 35 moves ?

  • disneycatzzz
    disneycatzzz Posts: 27

    Level 3

    I’ve noticed there isn’t even a thread for levels 13551-13565. Level 13552 is ridiculous and literally impossible without extra moves. STOP creating levels in which the number of orders is significantly higher than the number of moves given. Either do that or increase the number of moves.

    P.S those boosters+3 moves came from my winning streak which I lost because of this impossible level. FIX THIS

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