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💬💭 Level Feedback! Leave your feedback on the new levels! 2023



  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,020

    @Paulo61 I don't know about others here but your attempts to send a screenshot isn't working for me. I just see a lot of green data that won't open. Have you tried sending a screenshot by clicking on the icon below the box you write in? The landscape one next to the smilie.

  • Paulo61
    Paulo61 Posts: 2,039
    Hello, not really never tried to send a screenshot.

  • Paulo61
    Paulo61 Posts: 2,039
    Hello, in this game I already noticed many changes and somehow they work. These days I've passed some levels.

  • versita13
    versita13 Posts: 46

    Level 3

    I can’t wait , new levels , last one it’s amazing!!

  • versita13
    versita13 Posts: 46

    Level 3

    I leave feedback nothing it’s change , where new level ?🤔

  • chilie06
    chilie06 Posts: 5

    Level 2

    that's exactly what the game is about. I passed an outrageous number of levels over a year, got 45 gold bars every time I finished a round of 15 first, and I wound up having over 16000 gold bars. And suddenly when I got to level 13900 (or so), it all changed and I have had to go through 4000 gold bars to pass a paltry 600 levels (from 13900 to 14500). So now I am down to 12000 gold bars. still quite a stash, I agree , but it's a pain the way they manipulate you. up until level 13900 I very occasionnally needed gold bars and saucers even less party time ( used it only twice up to level 13900) . And now I need at least 10 gold bars per level, and often enough I even need 51 ! (10+16+25). So I have either turned the dumbest person overnight or the game is totally rigged as you near the end. So no fun anymore, I am 300 levels from the last level and I think I'll call it a day. I can put up with a measure of manipulation but not that much.

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,020

    Well done for having so much gold!! I am at the end of Candy Crush and manage to keep afloat by winning episode races. I would advise you to sacrifice your win streak rather than pay up 10+16+25 gold to pass a level. I never pay more than 10 and prefer to spend my gold on boosters as playing boosters wisely is what keeps the game somewhat interesting for me. Win streaks are overrated at these high levels and often starting boosters won't help either, with all those orders leading to orders to even unblock part of the blocked up board, and sour skulls and keys that drop far too late. The game is highly manipulated and rigged. They change levels and events all the time and judging by what I have read here and my own experience it's not just at the highest levels. If it isn't fun then yes, stop playing. But if I had that much gold and was so near the end I'd spend it on UFOs and striped candies, switches and lollipop hammers and try to beat levels with those. Sometimes that still gives some sort of satisfaction. Just buying extra moves because the moves given were nowhere near enough I find just mind numbing and pointlessly boring.

  • abonahar
    abonahar Posts: 84

    Level 3


  • abonahar
    abonahar Posts: 84

    Level 3


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