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Sam's streaks

AFjay Posts: 55

Level 3

I was playing sam's streaks and the next day it was gone, anyone else have this happen?


  • Doondie
    Doondie Posts: 1,255

    Salutations, Jay,

    Sam's Streak event disappearing for seemingly no reason is not unheard of. An e-friend told me their event disappears reliably shortly before it ends, so they don't get any reward.

    Although I haven't done a single level on my main account in the past couple of days, the event is still up for me.

    Have you switched accounts or changed your phone's time for whatever reason by any chance? I just did the latter as a test, because I don't like talking without thinking, and - oh, Jesus! - Sam's Streak disappeared. It returned after I relogged into my account (logged out, then logged back in right away) and restarted the game after that. Something tells me it won't be that easy for you but it's worth a try.

    You can write to Support but I don't think they'll be of much help in this situation. It could help them prevent this from happening in the future though.

    Good luck! 👍

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376

    @AFjay Let me save you time: Sam's Streak is a scam.

    The first & only time I bothered playing it, the event disappeared on me when I had a 1st place lead, reappearing the next day and putting me back at 0 points.

    Contacted Support, which, predictably, was of no help at reinstating my position.

    I think the programmers deliberately design SS to do that (vanish when things are going in your favor) to see who's desperate enough to keep playing levels to regain their lead.

    Would be a miracle if a real player in this community managed to claim a 1st place reward from SS. 🙄

  • Doondie
    Doondie Posts: 1,255

    lol That's too conspirative, buddy. 😁

    SS going missing or resetting is not regular event/app behaviour. On the bright side, resetting is great for people who have missed the first day or two, or someone in the group is greatly outperforming.

    It's just disappointing that only #1 gets something.

  • Deryck
    Deryck Posts: 1,376

    @Doondie wrote, "On the bright side, resetting is great for people who have missed the first day or two,..."

    Just to clarify, I was the only person whose score had reset once SS reappeared; all others were intact. Hence why I was p.o.ed.

    But I stand corrected on a real community player managing to win it; congrats!

  • powellj373
    powellj373 Posts: 14

    Level 2

    I just had the same problem and brought it up to support but they couldn't help I had been leading by quite a bit when I noticed I was suddenly the only name on the board and then poof it's completely gone. I'm still getting boosters for streaks but no leaderboard. It should end soon, so I'm hoping it comes back

  • BB07a
    BB07a Posts: 2

    Level 1

    Had the same issue 2 weeks in a row with being in the lead on Sam Streak and it just disappears and this week was showing 13 hours left and then 2 hours later it just disappeared on from events and no prize?

  • christinewupp
    christinewupp Posts: 11,029

    In my experience, if you alter the clock on your device in any way Sam's Streak disappears or yours score resets, so you can't play it if you are on a cruise through several time zones.

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